Advanced Mentorship 2022
Advancing Your Mediumship
MENTORSHIP with Colin Bates
(Open to those who have completed Year 1 or if you are
already a working medium or instructor approval)
FEB 2022 -DECEMBER 2022
Join esteemed Arthur Findlay Tutor, Medium Colin Bates, for a dynamic training program to take your mediumship to the next level. The training includes enriching tutorials, empowering meditations and scheduled group & partner practice sessions. The advanced mentorship will focus more on practical readings with the public and includes:
Monthly tutorial sessions with Colin Bates
Monthly “power-up” sessions with Colin to build your own power and strengthen your connection with the Spirit World
Live Q&A time with Colin
New! Office hours with Colin. Each month Colin will offer office hours
New! Private Biz Session with Alyson to help expand your spiritual business
New! Work with the public in various capacities. We will arrange sitters from the public with various scenarios to help deepen your evidential mediumship, This mentorship will focus more on reading for the public;
A dedicated facebook group for students
Monthly class assignments/homework
Online support from Colin & Alyson
Reading recommendations to support your development
Monthly practice sessions facilitated by either Alyson or Colin
Group & Partner practice room throughout the year
Class recordings for your spiritual library
Certificate of Completion.
PAY IN FULL: $1995 REGULAR // EARLY BIRD $1,850 when paid in full by first day of class.
PAYMENT PLAN: $1995 US total $400 Deposit now + $145/month. Those on the payment plan, please note, the total program cost is $1995
All payments are final (no refunds).